Page name: room of torture [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-01-31 05:30:23
Last author: Eyonic
Owner: Eyonic
# of watchers: 6
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Enter a room meant for torture. A large room it is, filled with all sorts of devices that could be used to torture someone. Over there is the spinning wheel of doom and there is a faucet for anyone who needs to use water for their fun. In the closet and cupboards you can find all sorts of interesting (and dangerous) items.




Newly added hallway:
Cain's room
no other rooms have been claimed yet

Abandoned hallway:
Over to Poe's Room
Over to Pup's Room
Over to Vic's Room
Over to Cykes's Room
Over to Bishop's Room

Outside the mansion:
to the blood forest

Back to Torture Castle rp


Archive: Torture Room2

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2007-12-27 [Lady Arrianya]: *re-appears* i kind of have randomness for use until. the 7th...its whenever i get a chance...get onn.......i will get that up and see where things head from there.... sry its soo long...i was bored out of my mind and got carried away a bit.

2007-12-28 [Rook.]: ^^

2007-12-29 [Eyonic]: hmmmmmmmmmm, slimeball, you are very severely annoying me right now. Why are you being such a crybaby in this rp?

2008-01-01 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: do not make me bite, i wish to be alone now

2008-01-01 [Eyonic]: something wrong?

2008-01-01 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: lol only in the rp :)

2008-01-01 [Eyonic]: the rp is driving me rather 'up the wall' at the moment and Slimeball is going well at irritating me. Where'd that living target get to now.................. Oh, and how are you? I havent had the chance to really talk to you.

2008-01-01 [Rook.]: i know, its been a long time^^ hehehehe! just kidding.....i'm gonna go hide with anyas now...byes...

2008-01-02 [Lady Arrianya]: pup....mabey the rp reflects my mood in part....did u stop and think of that? And you wouldnt live 5 mins with the pain that i am in right now.....just be happy that the bf from powell got me talked out of suicide completely (for now)and we arent official as yet if you were wondering.....but new years day was fun ^^ for the most part anyhow.....*glances to night* wanna speak ur mind there buddy boy?

2008-01-02 [Rook.]: *pets Anya soothingly* i'm sorry about what ur going thru, Anyas....we'll deal with it together, okay?

2008-01-03 [Lady Arrianya]: indeed....that is more than fine with me poe *shifts to elven form long enough to hug poe, then curls back up as a black wolf once more.*

2008-01-03 [Lady Arrianya]: ohh...and i seriously need to stop getting bored....pup might decide to kill me just because of the length.......

2008-01-03 [Sir Riddle]: uhm..., what're you doing? poe and I are talking to each other, and you find us dead...?

2008-01-04 [Rook.]: *grins and pokes Riddle* it 'twas a dream^^

2008-01-04 [Sir Riddle]: I know now...

2008-01-04 [Rook.]: ^^

2008-01-04 [Sir Riddle]: well..., since you're gone, there's no reason for me to stay any longer..., I'm off to sleep^^^

2008-01-05 [Eyonic]: well, I feel left behind now..........And anya, I do know how it feel to want to end my pathetic excuse of a life, trust me.

2008-01-05 [Lady Arrianya]: ahh, but has it been one of the ones that no matter what you do or say always returns pup? seems like thats all that happens, no matter how much things start to look up....and i know for a fact they are getting better...i just cant shake it this time.....

2008-01-07 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: i am here for all those who need help

2008-01-07 [Eyonic]: lol, I don't need help at the moment. Besides, I got me own little support group here, eh Anya?

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: *grins* yepyepyep!

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: yes...u know that i set my own probs aside for any and all of my friends....but life sucks ass......all but literally

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: cant get it.....related to youtube.....*kills blocks*

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: dang....>_>

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: *flops in corner and contemplates own sanity*

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: *flops down beside Anya and contemplates as well*

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: *licks poes hand and stares into corner*

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: *decides to not be sane and love it*

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: *tries to convince self next breath is worth taking*

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: *pats Anya's head and comforts her, telling her it is, trust me)

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: *hears the words but doesnt respond, except to take another breath....* is it truly when what you try to do for others is ignored completely...

2008-01-07 [Eyonic]: lol

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: *growls at pup*

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: *growls at you both* ok, you two, enough....

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: *flops head again and continues trying to breath.*

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: *puts Anya on a breather, thingy....>_>*

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: *kills breather thingy and flops in poes lap* I need not that for my bf would die if i died

2008-01-07 [Eyonic]: really?

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: prolly, and we still arent official

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: ahhhh *discards the rubble* hmmm...oh was worth a shot...

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: still dont want to be here though....

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: *pets Anya's head* i'm sorry....

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: it not ur fault.....

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: i know, but i still feel sorry.....

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: there is no point in ur feeling be my lot that i be down.....if u can understand that that is.

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: yeah, i can....and its my lot to feel other people's pain....

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: as it is mine, as well as it is mine to try and fix others' probs be4 my own.

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: i can sympathize with you there, Anya

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: but i have gotten fed up with ppl not appreciating my trying to help and treating me like shit.....and yes, that is part of the problem.....

2008-01-07 [Eyonic]: ............eheh...........umm.............................oppsy

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: what now pup?

2008-01-07 [Eyonic]: ohhh............nothing..................

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: *glares at wall and tries to cheer self up, failing but still trying*

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: *hypnotises you both into being cheerful* lol ^^

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: *feels hypnosis fail*

2008-01-07 [Eyonic]: *blink blink* was that supposed to do anything?

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: i think so, but it no worketh...

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: *pouts momentarily* oh well^^

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: you tried...*flops again sadly*

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: *flops beside Anya*

2008-01-07 [Eyonic]: *flops down beside Poe*

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: *glares at wall and again thinks of not breathing*

2008-01-07 [Eyonic]: will you stop it Anya!

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: which, breathing or thinking?

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: *pets Anya's head* keep on breathing, Anya....its been four years since i've done CPR....i don't want to live through that again...

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: kind of hard for you to do cpr when u are across the country from me....

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: *thinks, then pouts* damn....

Is anyone gonna rp??

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: i dont think so poe...change urs again or change form,......hell, try anything

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: okies....give me a moment...

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: much better......something to distract me again....*flops in corner once more*

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: hmmm...i think i have more to write^^ let me think...* flops on her back next to Anya*

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: *glares at corner again*

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: *glares at the ceiling* hmmmm...

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: *pulls dagger out and contemplates it*

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: *takes away the dagger and kills it, still looking at the ceiling*

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: *pulls another dagger*

2008-01-07 [Eyonic]: how do you kill a dagger?

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: *kills this dagger too*

2008-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: *pulls a 3rd dagger*

2008-01-07 [Rook.]: *kills that one too and sighs* Anya...i can do this all night if need be....

2008-01-07 [Eyonic]: Mel, you should post......

2008-01-08 [Rook.]: i'm getting ready to...even though my name isn't mel...

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: Mel is Anya. her real name is Melissa, so we call her Mel sometimes......

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: gee....thanks Kel.....i will when i feel like it...or right now.....idk yet

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: okiday

2008-01-08 [Rook.]: *laughs* Haha...i won't tell you guys my'll have to figure it out^^

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: *sits in corner with dagger sadly*

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: lol, you really shouldn't have made a page about you if you wanted us to try and guess.....
Full name: Alexis Taylor Childs

2008-01-08 [Rook.]: *glares and sends the dagger at you with my telekensis sp?* meanie....

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: tehehehehehe, I'm sorry Poe but I just couldn't resist<img:stuff/dand-gif.gif>

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: *moves dager slowly towards wrist, unoticed and shaking*

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: OH YOU LITTLE CRYBABY! *dive-tackles Mel and takes away the dagger*

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: *fights back, summoning sword and making a slash along her leg*

2008-01-08 [Rook.]: *blocks the sword and puts Anya in a bubble that prohibits weapons of any sort and slumps down besides the bubble, tired*

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: ack! Anya, you are very tiring.... how have I put up with you for so long?

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: *tries to burst bubble, but cant. Uses magic to choke self*

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: (Kelly, Fix that damned page...i cant get things to post without probs)

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: Anya, that post was totally random. The burning didn't hurt you. Read the damn posts!

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: INTERNAL PAIN! Think before you speak..

2008-01-08 [Rook.]: *pops the bubble and threatens to choke you* STOP IT!!!

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: I do think before I speak and at least I'm strong enough to not complain about my problems everywhere ya little crybaby!

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: *looks down sadly* give me a good reason then...

2008-01-08 [Rook.]: *hugs Anya* 'tis ok.....i didn't mean it....

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: tis not ok *buries head in poes shoulder*

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: Anya, live. Live for your friends and the people who care about you. That's what I do. I live so that my friends aren't hurt by my death. remember that.

2008-01-08 [Rook.]: *hugs Anya tightly* tell me whats wrong....

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: *is hugged* i dont truly know right now.....

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: hmmmm, should I create a town wiki page or would that be spreading a bit too far?

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: i dont care

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: oooo, and I'll create some birdies! what species are they?

2008-01-08 [Rook.]: do some ravens.....maybe a few vampire bats....and dwarfed dragons...^^

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: giant ravens, bats, and mini dragons. got it!

2008-01-08 [Rook.]: not to giant on the raven....cause they need to be fairly unseen be our.....errr....relatives....

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: okiday.

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: *Leans against poe, still sad, but not suicidal*

2008-01-08 [Rook.]: *holds her, rocking back and forth*

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: *anya moved with the motion, all but losing herself to it, matching her breathing to it.*

2008-01-08 [Rook.]: *keeps rocking* so, are you going to tell me whats wrong?

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: *keeps breathing, just existing for the moment* it be on its way

2008-01-08 [Rook.]: i just got it

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: k *takes a deep breath and wipes the tears away*

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: are you going to tell me?

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: prolly not....u would not be kind....

2008-01-08 [Rook.]: ......

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: *lays head back on Poe's shoulder and tries not to think.*

2008-01-08 [Rook.]: *pets Anya's head*

2008-01-08 [Sir Riddle]: *pets poe's head*

2008-01-08 [Rook.]: *cuddles with Riddle while petting Anya's head*

2008-01-08 [Sir Riddle]: ^^^*purrs*

2008-01-08 [Rook.]: *grins* ^^

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: *tries to see riddle, but cant through the few tears that are trying to come again at the thought of boyfriends...*

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: please tell me anya

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: why?

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: because I want to know. I don't always like yelling at people without knowing their reasons....

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: the last time i explained, you did yell, and it was unwarranted.....i dont want that to happen again.

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: last time you explained? when did you explain what?

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: the last time i explained why i had nail marks on my wrists......the last time i explained my reason for not wanting to be here....anytime i explain anything you wind up basically yelling at me

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: hmmmmmmm, true, but technically I cant yell at you until tomorrow personally if I even remember. How about I promise to not yell at you?

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: Still...dont know that i wish for you to know...for you might laugh at me for part of it at least....if not most of it...even if u do promise not to yell...

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: I promise to remain emotionless on the topic then.

2008-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: not emotionless....just dont laugh or yell....then you might have a chance of living....jk but the not laughing or yelling would be very good...and your input would be welcome too....

2008-01-08 [Rook.]: *hugs Anya*

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: okay anya, i promise.

2008-01-08 [Rook.]: ^^ *hugs Eyo too*

2008-01-08 [Eyonic]: normally I do not like hugs, but this is okay *hugs Poe back*

2008-01-08 [Rook.]: ^^ lol

2008-01-09 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: wow hug fest, *hugs everyone*

2008-01-09 [Rook.]: *hugs back* yepyepyep^^

2008-01-09 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: vampire bite :P

2008-01-09 [Rook.]: ^^

2008-01-09 [Eyonic]: ack! hug! no huggy! I don't know you!

2008-01-09 [Rook.]: *looks hurt* you don't??

2008-01-09 [Lady Arrianya]: *sits there sadly.* hugs............*hugs both back but stays sad.*

2008-01-09 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: you cant escape an undead hug for the rusty wooden spoon decrees it (^,..,^)

2008-01-09 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: Mi lady what is wrong?

2008-01-09 [Rook.]: *hugs Anya* why are we still sad, Anyas?? *huggles*

2008-01-09 [Lady Arrianya]: just life...and the damned dreams...and flashbacks....and this is hard to do when one is shaking.....

2008-01-09 [Rook.]: *pets Anya's head* I'm sorry

2008-01-09 [Lady Arrianya]: it not ur fault i cant block them.

2008-01-09 [Rook.]: its otay

2008-01-09 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: hmmm, i may be able to help, i learned ow to block any thoughts and memories i didnt want, i had to to be honest

2008-01-09 [Eyonic]: I was saying I don't know vampire person up there Poe, not you. Ack, hugs. I'm going to kill you if you hug me today Anya. I'm in an ill mood from my dreams today.

2008-01-09 [Lady Arrianya]: no it not....

2008-01-09 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: you may not know me, but im still gonna hug the crap outta you lol

2008-01-09 [Rook.]: YAY!! *hugs everyone* MORE HUGS^^!!

2008-01-09 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: *uber hug of doom*

2008-01-09 [Eyonic]: *runs to the corner and curls up into fetal position and shakes* "Hugs......"

2008-01-09 [Lady Arrianya]: *just sits there, tears starting to form*

2008-01-09 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: now now, there is no need for that... its not like im biting you..... yet *smiles wikedly*

2008-01-09 [Eyonic]: Anya, in my dreams I was crying and when I woke up I was still crying......

2008-01-09 [Rook.]: *pokes you* no biting my Anyas....or else *grins wickedly and hugs Anya with one arm while fingering a wooden stake behind her back with the other*

2008-01-09 [Lady Arrianya]: *shakes head slowly* it not that

2008-01-09 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: awww, but her neck looks so tasty *licks lips* well if you insist :)

2008-01-09 [Eyonic]: lol, besides, both of us have enough friends that bite over here. Isn't that right Anya?

2008-01-09 [Rook.]: *hugs Anya* tell me it what we talked about yesterday??
*looks at Night* thank you

2008-01-09 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: *smiles and nods* not a problem

2008-01-09 [Eyonic]: anywho, how is everyone today except for us two dreamers, eh?

2008-01-09 [Lady Arrianya]: yeah...u and mouse...i just rip ppls heads off

2008-01-09 [Rook.]: errr...i'm doing otay....not the best...but not the worst....^^

2008-01-09 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: hmmm, well im depressed and hungover but that is natural lol

2008-01-09 [Eyonic]: lol! thats interesting

2008-01-09 [Rook.]: i went shopping yesterday.....not exactly the most fun thing to do when there are crazy people out and about....

2008-01-09 [Lady Arrianya]: i lived...that be about it

2008-01-09 [Eyonic]: well, nobody seems to be in a good mood today. How awful.

2008-01-09 [Lady Arrianya]: i sry least i dont crave death now....unlike yesterday at this time.

2008-01-09 [Rook.]: well....i'm getting in a better mood^^ I have coffee^^

2008-01-09 [Eyonic]: yeah, that is a good thing Mel

2008-01-09 [Eyonic]: oi, does Night want to join the rp?

2008-01-09 [Rook.]: hmmm...yeah....that might be fun...

2008-01-09 [Rook.]: SOMEONE RP ALREADY!!!! I"M TIRED OF TALKING TO MYSELF ON THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-01-09 [Lady Arrianya]: *materializes a cup*

2008-01-09 [Eyonic]: it would be interesting

2008-01-09 [Rook.]: PLEASE!!!!!!!

2008-01-09 [Eyonic]: well, I'm still at the mansion. what about anya?

2008-01-09 [Rook.]: Hmmmm....

2008-01-09 [Lady Arrianya]: there..

2008-01-09 [Lady Arrianya]: *looks around, wondering where everyone went.*

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